Network events

Le Réseau dda fête ses 10 ans !

Ateliers Jeanne Barret, Marseille
17 juin 2023, 14h-4h30

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the website, the Réseau documents d'artistes invites the public, professionals and artists to a day of meetings, performances and artistic festivities at Jeanne Barret's home on June 17, 2023 in Marseille.

For the past twenty years, the daily life of the Documents d'artistes teams has been made up of encounters with the work of each artist, of dialogue and reflection to make visible plural practices open to all fields of artistic experience. Around this project, a community of artists, art professionals and audiences has formed. And since a community meets, we are delighted to invite you to a time of reunion to celebrate together the 10th anniversary of the Réseau documents d'artistes website.

On the program:

--- Talk: What future for art publishing?
--- Performance program "La bande organisée" gathers 7 performances by artists of the Réseau documents d'artistes. A program that celebrates curiosity, humor, connections, energy and celebration! With Jérémy Chevalier, Le Gentil Garçon, Brandon Gercara with Yannick Peria, Loreto Martinez Troncoso, Marion Mounic with Jules Ribis, Anaïs Touchot with Clara Agnus, The George Tremblay Show / Isabelle Fourcade and Serge Provost
--- So ruff, So tuff, a musical program by Rémi Bragard

With this federative event, the Réseau documents d'artistes reaffirms its commitment to the visibility and recognition of territorial artistic scenes and its support for contemporary artistic creation.