
Olivier Millagou

Born in 1974

Lives and works in Bandol

There is undeniably something that has to do with lifestyle in the art of Olivier Millagou, a straightforward attitude, like a relation to the California surfing world. His work is based on initially American counter-cultures, surfing and skate boarding, Marvel Comics, rock and independent films. He has a precise knowledge of all this. The proliferation of these cultural elements tallies with a constant variety of medium: disk, installation, object, environment, wall drawing with drawing pins, Tippex, painting on postcards... The artist multiplies the fields of expression and produces an all-encompassing and seductive oeuvre. Behind this immediate fascination with images, Olivier Millagou also subtly presents the relations of powers and domination at stake in certain "encounters" of civilizations. And in these lost paradises, everything thus becomes dark, as dark as an old Motorhead album.

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.