Network events

Draw Me Your Song! - L'exposition

Group exhibition
Galerie de la salle des machines / Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille
Vernissage vendredi 28 août à 18h

Curated by Guillaume Mansart
Co-production Cartel / Réseau documents d'artistes / Friche Belle de Mai

With Antoine Dorotte, Olivier Millagou, Stéphanie Nava and Ludovic Paquelier

Opening on Friday 28th August, at 6PM, as part of ART-O-RAMA

Draw me your song! is a project in two chapters, the first consisting of the on-line publication of the web magazine Additional document #3, the second of the exhibition at La Friche Belle de Mai, in Marseille.

The intent of this bi-polar project is to work on porosities and try to offer readers some of the interactions that can come to the fore between areas of creation that are seemingly alien to each other. More particularly, the exhibition is interested in the way music surges over the territory of form. Insomuch as drawing is in almost every case the contrary of music in its application, it has a central place in this place of unnatural encounter.

If music, in its ge- neral accepted sense, is associated with the event, with the collective, and with live performance, if it represents a moment of shared sociability, drawing for its part may be perceived as place of withdrawal. But drawing can at times spill out of the frame and summon the warmth of the scene, and it can occupy the space and play its part as something living !

Through the work of four artists chosen on the Documents d’artistes websites in different regions, it is this lack of discipline which is presented in the exhibition Draw Me Your Song !

Group show developed by Documents d'artistes PACA as part of the 2015 Contemporary Art programmation of the Cartel at la Friche Belle de Mai Marseille.