Antoine Dorotte
Born in 1976
Lives and works in Pont-l'Abbé, Paris and La Courneuve

Bequeathed by the goldsmith’s art, engraving has long been used for the duplication and distribution of images before other technologies took over from it. Antoine Dorotte appropriates this ancient technique which he diverts from its conventions and rekindles through new configurations in the wider field of contemporary praxes. He thus produces a unique, strange and poetic world where the circulation of images is always appropriate, even if, paradoxically, they are rarefied in one-off pieces. Through the phenomenon of hybridizing his sources and through the many meanings of his works, he leaves a broad array of possible interpretations. In a wider sense, his work questions, between the lines, the dualism of a contemporary line of thinking divided between his faith in progress and the magnetism wielded by primitive powers. L.B.
© Adagp, Paris