
Babeth Rambault

Born in 1971

Lives and works in Rennes

Babeth Rambault perceives those moments when customs are derailed and smithereened, in order to form a visual fission. All her works evoke diverging gestural gazes, those gestures which are carried out mechanically while directing the attention elsewhere, and forming a language which it is hard to unravel without losing that obvious sensation of accumulation between thing and gesture, thing and language, concentration and distraction. Her sculptures incorporate found objects and materials evoking an association formed between wasteland and store cupboard, which is expressed, for example, in the setting of two words in the title of the exhibition Landbarras. These arrangements are based on a certain glossary of assemblage, adjusting by way of connections, dovetailing, and resonances of forms, eclectic elements which chance has apparently brought together in one and the same place.
Babeth Rambault was born in 1971. She lives and works in Rennes. She is a graduate of the Bordeaux School of Fine Arts. Her work has been shown at the Centre d’Art Le Parvis (Pau), the Musée Calbet (Grisolles) and in group shows at the 116 Contemporary Art Centre (Montreuil), at the Station (Nice), and at Montévidéo (Marseille).

Since 2008 she has been running the BIEN Galerie which can be viewed on the Internet, and is dedicated to contemporary art.

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.

© Adagp, Paris