Interview with the Galerie Bien
May 2016

What lay behind the idea of setting up this gallery ?

The Incredible Shrinking Man - film 1957 de Jack Arnold
Scott Carey the hero of this film conclused «So close -- the infinitesimal and
the infinite. But suddenly, I knew they were really the two ends of the same
concept. The unbelievably small and the unbelievably vast eventually meet,
like the closing of a gigantic circle.»
Scott Carey the hero of this film conclused «So close -- the infinitesimal and
the infinite. But suddenly, I knew they were really the two ends of the same
concept. The unbelievably small and the unbelievably vast eventually meet,
like the closing of a gigantic circle.»
How would you describe its exhibition space ?

The scarecrow - Short film by Buster Keaton and Edward F. Cline, 1920
How is it run financially ?

What is the orientation of its programming ?

How do you choose the artists ?

Why have you called it “Bien” ?

Why are you just distributing a single exhibition view ?

Why does the gallery’s address change each time ?

Joseph Cornell- Boxes