Network events

Art-o-rama : programmation de vidéos portraits d'artistes

Friche La Belle de Mai, Marseille
jeudi 31 août, 20h

Video portraits of artists
Olivier Millagou, Radmila Dapic Jovandic, Clovis Deschamps-Prince, Emmanuelle Rosso, Emmanuel Simon, Jürgen Nefzger and BROCOLI - Portrait of Les ateliers collective.

Art-o-rama, which marks the start of the contemporary art season, brings together a large number of professionals from all over Europe every year.

Documents d'artistes Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur has invited the Réseau documents d'artistes' members to present a program of seven videos. Recently produced by regional teams, these videos report on individual or collective artistic projects, and present some of the issues driving contemporary creation in France. The films will be screened at Le Petit Plateau, the show's dedicated video exhibition space.