
Ron Haselden

Born in 1944

Lives and works in London and Plouër-sur-Rance

Ron Haselden
was awarded an Andrew Grant scholarship to study sculpture at Edinburgh College of Art (1961-66). He taught sculpture in the Department of Fine Art, Reading University and founded the mixed media area in the early seventies. He lives and works in London and in Plouër-sur-Rance, France.
Haselden was awarded the Sargant Fellowship at the British School at Rome, Italy and during the course of his productions he has received awards and grants from numerous funding bodies as well as being represented in many private and public collections which include The Arts Council of Great Britain, The Lorne Award, The Hamlyn Foundation, The Elephant Trust, The Esmée Fairbaim Foundation, The London Arts Board, The Henry Moore Foundation, The British Council, The RSA Art for Architecture Award Scheme, Alliance Française, Conseil Général Côtes d'Armor and le Fonds Régional d'Arts Contemporain (FRAC) de Brétagne, Bibliothèque nationale de France.

Much of the sculpture is concerned with light as constructions, photographic works and video. The three-dimensional work ranges from a minute scale to large performance productions involving up to 400 participants which take place in major cities in Europe. Some sculpture is permanently installed in public spaces throughout the UK , whilst other work is conceived and installed in galleries or for limited periods of time in rural landscape locations.
Recent Publications and text:

As exciting as we can make it, catalogue for 'As Exciting as we can make it. Ikon in the 1980s', including an essay by Ikon's current director, Jonathan Watkins, and contributions from Hugh Stoddart and Antonia Payne, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, 2014

Ron Haselden. Papillon de la nuit. On the construction of Papillon de la nuit, Matthew Reeves, London: domobaal editions 2014

Go and talk to the bees. Ron Haselden, Outrider Commissions, 2014, MA Bibliothèque, 2014

L'art et la lande, an essay by Céline Flécheux, June 2014. http://ddab.org/fr/textes/Haselden

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.