John Deneuve
Born in 1976
Lives and works in Marseilles

Straightforwardly combining music, acoustic experimentation, performance, drawing, video and installation, the artwork of John Deneuve is intended to be decidedly decompartmentalizing. Underpinned by a sharp electro-pop energy and finding its source in the mechanisms of the world of labour (in the wheels of the bureaucracy dealing with "helping people back to work", in particular), as much as in the world of childhood, his output plays with a false innocence in order to question the codes of the contemporary world with fierce precision.
In this way, from the creation of a "background sound to improve office life", to the establishment of psychological tests to motivate a team (L'aventure cérébrale), John Deneuve's oeuvre works by means of constant discrepancies and wittily grapples with the structures which organize society, for better or for worse.
© Adagp, Paris