Well-worn Landscapes

Museu d'art modern i contemporani, Palma, 2015
Exhibition view © Bertrand Stofleth & Geoffroy Mathieu
Well-worn Landscapes, Photographic Landscape Observatory from hiking trail GR2013, Marseille-Provence, 2012-2022
Initiated by Geoffroy Mathieu and Bertrand Stofleth.
100 photographs, annual renewals over 10 years.
This observatory documents the great wealth of landscapes in the Marseille metropolis, which reveal an ongoing friction between city and nature. This involves establishing within the territory a system of photographic monitoring for these landscapes using periodic and regular renewal. The photographs taken since 2012 are part of the route of a GR hiking trail that is 365 km/230 miles in length, and as yet unmarked, and give it a physical identity by drawing a white line that runs through the imagery.
As an artistic project representing the metropolis’s well-worn landscapes, it’s intent is to question the procedures of Landscape Observatories by reversing the notions of the person placing a commission and the person receiving it, and by considering the images produced as proposed analyses, and not illustrations of known issues.
At the invitation of Bertrand Stofleth and Geoffroy Mathieu, a steering committee made up of artists in the Cercle des Marcheurs/Walkers’ Club and Baptiste Lanaspèze, creators of the GR2013, geographers, landscape designers and planners, worked hand in hand with them in their appropriation and knowledge of the territory.

The yellow caravan of the GR2013 was installed in the Yes We Camp campsite in Marseille during the summer of 2013.
It presented works in projects associated with the GR2013.

A participatory section proposes that the public adopt 70 of the 100 photographs in order to guarantee renewals over the next ten years.
The remaining 30 photographs will be annually renewed by the creators of the OPP.
+ d'info
Website dedicated to the Observatoire Photographique du Paysage since GR2013, 2012–2022
Design and Programmation : Extrafine