Grégory Cuquel

directed by Christophe Leroy
May 2023

Grégory Cuquel's works (drawings? paintings?) are compositions created by assembling, adding, repenting, superimposing, from a "set of little notes" that he keeps close at hand in the jungle of his studio. They emerge at the end of a wandering punctuated by silences and voids, which director Christophe Leroy follows patiently, waiting for a possible epiphany.


Director: Christophe Leroy
May 2023
Production: Documents d'artistes Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Coproduction: Les Films de l'Écharpe
With the support of the French Ministry of Culture
And the participation of Réseau documents d'artistes
Music: Grégory Cuquel
Acknowledgements: Olivier Passieux, La Troisième Porte à Gauche