Works in the public space
Delphine Gigoux-Martin

Il est grand temps de rallumer les étoiles

Permanent installation at the Monastery of Ségriès, Moustiers-Sainte-Marie, carried out as part of the action of the New Sponsors

Private commissions, 2016
Monastère de Ségriès, Moustiers-Sainte-Marie

Sponsors: Annemarie and Dhruv Bandhari (owners of the monastery of Ségriès), Alain Archiloque (former mayor of Moustiers-Sainte-Marie), Jean Baptiste Bourgeois (former elected official for culture in the town of Moustiers-Sainte-Marie) and Jérôme Galvin ( ceramist).
Cultural mediator of the project: Nadine Gomez, director of the CAIRN Art Center of Dignes-les-Bains.

"Because of her extraordinary ability to combine several techniques and different levels of perception, Delphine Gigoux-Martin was invited by the CAIRN Center d'art to experience the encounter with these places and the know-how of the local tradition. The role importance of water in the development of the territory, its impact on the landscape imagination of the Verdon park, as well as the former presence of the sea as evidenced by the fossils and the shells, constitute for Delphine Gigoux-Martin the starting point of his artistic research. Indeed, the dry fountain of the monastery of Ségries, recently unveiled on the edge of the ravine, between the old orchards and the green amphitheater, immediately attracted the interest of the artist by becoming the receptacle perfect for her presentation (...)" Giulia Pagnetti, executive assistant at the CAIRN Center d'art, extract from the press release

For the realization of the porcelains at the workshops of the ENSA of Limoges, Delphine Gigoux-Martin used the traditional techniques of pouring, modeling and dipping, as well as the dyeing of mixed earths from a plaster mould. The earthenware enamelled with stars, sea urchins, shells, corals and other marine elements are made from drawings in Jérôme Galvin's workshop in Moustiers.