ASTER is a public commission from the Community of Communes of the Cantal Chestnut Grove supported by the Ministry of Culture, the Community of Communes of the Cantal Chestnut Grove, the Department of Cantal, the Communes of Laroquebrou, Saint-Étienne-Cantalès, Saint-Gérons and EDF.
Under the radiance of the sun, by day, intriguing the eye from afar, covered with their platinum and photo-luminescent enamel, porcelain starfish shine and draw a starry sky over the Saint-Etienne-Cantales dam. Above the vault can be seen the constellations of the southern sky of the northern hemisphere as could be seen above the dam in Cantal on May 8, 1945, and on the vault are projected those of the Cape of Good Hope, in the southern hemisphere.
These drawings traced by the eye which form an imaginary world are activated at nightfall. Cartoons of animals projected onto the wall glide over the vault, rub shoulders with the constellations and each evening, in hypnotic stories, offer an unusual and contemplative spectacle. Earth, sky and water become one!
The videos are triggered at nightfall. Each day of the week corresponds to a cycle of cartoons. The screening time varies according to the seasons. Viewpoint: belvederes, trails on the east and west shores.