
Nikolas Fouré

Born in 1976

Lives and works in Rennes

Inscription, trace, assemblage, and making time are my tools. The varied range of materials and media used is crucial for me. Gestures and materials are as much vocabulary as they are syntactic forms at the service of the many different narratives which onlookers may make for themselves. My visual propositions question our environment, its representations, its stereotypes and its idiosyncrasies.

My interest in landscape does not stop strictly at the forms of nature but at everything which forms our environment—our milieu--, from architecture to our systems of social organization.
Repetition is a recurrent feature in my praxis, involving the simplicity/ complexity dialectic. It is guided by the desire for an upheaval of space-time landmarks, putting on the same plane our technological artefacts and the forms of nature.The digital principle is a reading essential to the understanding of our world today.

Over and above materials and technology, the digital concept involves a relation to unity and its repetition: be it intrinsic to Nature (the leaves of a tree, the hairs on a coat…), inherent to technique (the bricks of a wall, the arrangement of tiling…), or day to day in our repeated gestures.

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.

© Adagp, Paris