
Jesús Alberto Benítez

Born in 1978

Lives and works in Lyon

"I work in a space in which almost everything is likely to become a drawing.
The bidimensional nature of images is confronted to the physical and concrete aspect of a printed sheet of paper. A drawing is the result of an interaction of various tools, as if it were a recording of ephemeral gestures over a surface. The empty sheet of paper is a space that can be shaped by a mark, a fold, a dot. Each image is built through a connection of gestures with concrete space. A photograph or a drawing are objects which are mostly made out immaterial substance, but they are also physical elements, as most other things.
With the wall, images become installation objects. The interaction with a place furthers the spatial questioning that holds into each image. The apparently empty area around each image is invariably filled by real space. The ephemeral aspect of an installation gets confronted with the apparent permanence of prints and drawings.
Images follow a spiral that extends and contracts itself through the interferences between fact and representation."

Jesús Alberto Benítez, 2014

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.