Ibai Hernandorena
Born in 1975
Lives and works in Anglet and Paris

Displacement is a mechanism which consists in moving from a point A to a point B, from one state to another. Be it journeys, daydreams or constructions, movement is involved. It starts in a desire for change giving rise to a new situation. Summoning different media, Ibai Hernandorena considerably alters the nature of things and spaces, lending them an illusory nature. We no longer know whether what is involved is realities shown as fictions, fictions borrowed from realities, or totally fanciful situations. He creates, de facto, “other spaces”. Michel Foucault used this title for a lecture given in 19661. In it, he developed the concept of heterotopias, which he defined as a physical location of utopia, meaning tangible spaces which accommodate the imaginary, like for example a child’s cabin, or a theatre. In Ibai Hernandorena’s works several spaces, and several time-frames, which are at times incompatible in reality, co-exist.
- Michel Foucault, Le Corps utopique – les Hétérotopies, introduction by Daniel Defert, Nouvelles Editions Lignes, 2010
Introduction to the communiqué about the exhibition Des corps fantômes, Galerie des étables (Bordeaux), October 2015
Translated by Simon Pleasance, 2015