Hildegarde Laszak
Born in 1984
Lives and works in Toulon

Hildegarde Laszak practices drawing the way other people do exercises, with a regularity dictated by necessity. This, in any event, is the impression you get when you stand in front of one of her walls of drawings, with formats, style and subjects that are as different as they can be. Hildegarde Laszak takes her scribbled characters from news items and daily life, usually associated with words which tip meaning towards the absurd or the comical, as they reflect the amused, subjective and perceptive eye cast by the artist over what surrounds her. Whether funny or moving, irreverent or private, they seem to enjoy a freedom that has no limits. Her collages are sardonic, unreservedly using dark humour to alter often violent images found in old magazines. Hildegarde Laszak's oeuvre is invigorating, drawing a cautious portrait of the frenzied day and age which she is part of.