
Flavie Pinatel

Born in 1977

Lives and works in Marseille and Paris

We might say that, over and above its medium, Flavie Pinatel's art praxis is based above all on human relationship. Once this principle has been announced, it should be pointed out that the eye she casts has nothing anthropological about it, but refers to the flesh of relations, to encounter, to dialogue, and to exchange. Whether her films are static shots inside which people with a more or less strange look about them (a thoroughly relative notion) execute an action without a word, or whether they are offered as objects on the edge of the documentary and the experimental, they all objectively present a humanity which is at times battered and always elegant.
On closer inspection, we can see that Flavie Pinatel's artistic output is in fact much more than a portrait gallery, a comfortable and welcoming Spanish inn where everybody seems to have come with what they had, to play the game of this shared look at things. Through her films, the artist creates the conditions for meeting the other.

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.