Eve Pietruschi
Born in 1982
Lives and works in Nice

Eve Pietruschi's oeuvre has its source in peri-urban zones where the artist locates abandoned industrial architectures. Once photographed, they act as a matrix for refined works composed of ghostlike representations ready to vanish at any moment. Her drawing--because drawing is what is involved—mixes techniques (transfers on to paper, crayons, shift on to glass, water colours...) and multiplies areas of know-how. It spills over from the frame provided by the sheet of paper and spreads over objects, sculptures and installations. This oeuvre, which often verges on abstraction, seems to display the impermanence of things, describing the fragility of an ever-changing world. The fragments of spaces which form it are so many fallow landscapes being traversed by time; they are transparent to history and emerge with a kind of bygone majesty.