Emmanuelle Nègre
Born in 1986
Lives and works in Nice

Emmanuelle Nègre’s artistic project relies on the various modes in which images occur and are produced. One of these fields of research is film, in that it produces narratives and effects, while also being a well of formal invention. She draws from Kubrick, Hitchcock or Rohmer to appropriate, reinterpret or invent image production systems that she then recreates in the space of her installations. Found footage, editing salvaged photograms, scratching rolls of film – the gestures she performs when creating films are usually very basic, working directly with still images or fragmented sequences and tirelessly repeating the same action. This DIY dimension, in addition to being the foundation of the artist’s applied practice, can also be found in her performance work, in which a musical proposition prompts the creation of a larger-scale immersive filmic experience.