Denis Brun
Born in 1966
Lives and works in Marseilles

Denis Brun creates collage and assemblage. He also makes "soft paintings", covered in skins of transparent plastic under which are secured tickets, flyers and little souvenirs of daily life. Denis Brun sews and sticks together pieces of cloth and shiny sticky tape which turn into dresses for men and women. He writes short stories and takes photos. He samples and composes music on computers. He also makes videos. For the artist, there is no hierarchy in all these approaches. He says that "each one gives in its own way a means of apprehending reality, each one brings its own specific torment." (...) In spite of this declared equality, the video seems to hold a particular place, perhaps because it is "a medium which has not yet been ossified." (...) In a certain manner, Denis Brun's videos update the surrealist quest in their syncopated, layered, broken-up narrations, which intermingle the maginary, from science to science-fiction, from skate to punk. Sylvie Coellier