Christophe Boursault
Born in 1975
Lives and works in Marseilles

Through a multi-facetted visual output, Christophe Boursault is laying the foundations for an uncompromising body of work. In his videos, he re-interprets and combines languages (its jargons), and standardized attitudes (postures, tics), and casts a precise and sometimes disturbing eye on the mechanisms of representation underway in society. For him, what is involved is adopting idiocy as a "philosophy of comprehension, attentive to immediate experience" (J.-Y. Jouannais); he is thus working on a critical space. His painting and his drawings re-enact ad infinitum the issue of the figure, representation, and the mask; they are linked to the physical experience which lends this work its expressive strength.
As the site of an obsessive overlap between language and body, Christophe Boursault's oeuvre is constructed like a choreography marked by violent poetry. It comes across in its coherence with both integrity and radicalness. Translated by Simon Pleasance