Network events

Projection du film Christophe Clottes

Maison Salvan, Labège
vendredi 29 septembre 2023

As part of a season-opening event, the Maison Salvan - ville de Labège, is organizing a program centered around the artist in a creative situation. In particular, it is inviting Christophe Clottes, whose work is documented on Documents d'artistes Nouvelle-Aquitaine, for a performance and screening of a film about the artist recently directed by Denis Cointe..

Denis Cointe films artist Christophe Clottes in the presence of the beings and environments that permeate his work: the pebbles of the Gave de Pau and the erratic rocks of the surrounding Pyrenees. The objects, instruments, sounds and drawings he draws from them are like evocations of the relationships he maintains with them, and bear witness to an ecosophical approach to art. Listening to him talk about it, following the rhythm of his walks and research, contemplating what drives him, is an experience and an invitation to take part in the world in a different way.

From 9pm, Maison Salvan, Labèges
Christophe Clottes.
A film by Denis Cointe about Christophe Clottes (15 min.).
Production: Documents d'artistes Nouvelle-Aquitaine; Coproduction: Les Films de l'Écharpe; With the support of the French Ministry of Culture and the participation of Réseau documents d'artistes.

Full program HERE

*The Réseau documents d'artistes supports film distribution produced by Documents d'artistes.