Works in the public space
Le Gentil Garçon

Société des Voyageurs Immobiles

1%, 2012
Lycée Jacques Prévert, Saint-Christol-les-Alès

The work was carried out as part of the 1% artistic of the Jacques Prévert high school in Saint-Christol-lès-Alès.
Manufacturing and programming of the panel: Solari-Udne with the complicity of the Project Office

Mechanical display panel installed in the high school refectory. At the time of meals, he scrolls the flight departure times for fictitious destinations from the world cultural imagination. On each line of the panel is displayed a departure for a fictitious destination to which is added, like common flight indications:

  • The logo of the company company, it designates the register of the work from which the destination is drawn;
  • The name of the pilot, it is the name of the author who imagined and described this fictitious place (writer, poet, painter, architect, director, philosopher ...);
  • The flight number, which corresponds to the year of creation of the work.
    A SVI travel guide is available for consultation at the Lycée CDI. It presents a selection of destinations among the 1409 that the panel can display at the time of its installation. A computer interface has been implemented to allow students to complete the database in the table.