Works in the public space
Laurent Pernel

Monument 1, Stonehenge

Place du 14 juillet Etupes / Place de l'Acropole Montbéliard, Pays de Montbéliard

Itinerant public sculpture presenting the images of inhabitants produced by the artist during his residency in Bethoncourt and Etupes.
Work produced by the Center d'art Le 19, the CAPM (Urban Community of the Pays de Montbéliard) and the ANRU (National Agency for Urban Renewal).

Use and transform the objects that build the landscape of our cities, divert an advertising medium to offer a different look at the neighborhood and its inhabitants. This is what Laurent Pernel proposes who, for a year, photographed the inhabitants of the Montagne district in Etupes and Champvallon in Bethoncourt in their homes. This ephemeral monument, installed in the public space, reveals within it a poetic and mysterious vision of the personal space of the inhabitants encountered.

Contrary to the usual positioning of these display supports, the images are concealed in a monument which folds back on itself. This individual approach, discreet and modest, takes the opposite view of the staging of standardized characters in advertising that invades our streets daily. The presence of these seemingly anonymous silhouettes is the reflection of these multiple individualities, these stories and personal experiences that intersect in the living space that we share.