Mural in situ
Photo : © François Deladerrière

Mural in situ
Photo : © François Deladerriè

Mural in situ
Photo : © François Deladerriè

Mural in situ
Photo : © François Deladerriè
Olivier Nottellet
Le soleil géometrique
1%, 2018
Agora Pôle Culturel, Limonest
It is first a color, a luminous yellow, which is embedded in the building to reveal the scale of its volumes. In a second step, another space is discovered. Facing the landscape, along the balustrade, the mass of color balances the fragility of its contours. Two sticks and a few pebbles provide the counterweight to the voids of the architecture, sending us back to our own measure, that of our steps.
In very good weather the sun projects the shadow of the building's frame on the mural painting, casting confusion on the limit between the real drawing and our suspended gaze.