J'aimerais tant voir Syracuse, 2007
© Droits réservés

J'ai peur de... Je rêve de…
© Droits réservés
Slimane Raïs
J'ai peur de... Je rêve de...
Work in public space produced as part of the Plan B project proposed by hARTware projekte during the International Meetings of Dortmund
Public commissions, 2000
Bruckstraße, Dortmund
• Collection of the City of Dortmund
What dreams and fears are these? Of those passers-by, shopkeepers, inhabitants of Dortmund to whom Slimane Raïs circulated a sheet with two sentences to complete: I dream of... I'm afraid of... These dreams and fears were engraved on a hundred of metal pellets and planted on the ground of the street Brückstraße.