Eclipses, 2018
© Renaud Chaignet
Le Gentil Garçon
The work was produced as part of the construction of 2 buildings "CERMO NEUF / Maison de la Planète - museographic space of the observatory" and "Climate Planet", under the 1% artistic contribution of the University of Grenoble Alpes.
1%, 2018
Maison de la Planète - espace muséographique de l’observatoire et Bâtiment Climat Planète / Université Grenoble Alpes, Saint-Martin-d'Hères
Eclipses is a kinetic work that seems to come alive according to the movement of the viewer. The sun and the moon take turns eclipsing in a ballet of oppositions. The use of the circular motif, in its very simplicity, represents the planet and the atom, the large and the small, the zero and the cycle, the void of the pupil that the light fills.