Atelier Croizat
The artwork was produced as part of a commission from the city of Saint-Fons and the Métropole de Lyon in conjunction with the CAP Saint-Fons.
• Project owner: City of Saint-Fons
• Co-financing: Métropole de Lyon, ANRU and Action Logement
• Selection and artistic advice: CAP Saint-Fons
Simon Feydieu's work is a participatory work inviting residents to open up to the city of tomorrow and sustainable development. Thus nearly 100 “wishes” are poetically inscribed in the 20 commitments of the eco-district charter signed in 2017 by the city.
The work is halfway between mural painting and sculpture; On the walls of the workshop hang padlocks engraved with the wishes of the inhabitants for their city of tomorrow. The work borrows its color palette from the city of Frugès (1924-1926) by Le Corbusier and refers to the earth, vegetation and sky (pure burnt sienna, pale English green and light ultramarine blue). The use of padlocks as a support symbolizes security and sealing: locking a promise between the city and its inhabitants.
The design and production time was punctuated by workshops and mediation actions aimed at young audiences and residents of the city, led by the Public Service of CAP Saint-Fons with the artist, in collaboration with the Arc-en-ciel Sociocultural Centers, the participation of the Espace Créateur de Solidarités association, the Jules Vallès and Parmentier school groups, as well as the CCAS Independent Residences of Cèdres and Petit Bois. Around 300 people participated in collecting wishes or hammering padlocks or in other actions related to the project.