
Vincent Carlier

Born in 1981

Lives and works in Bordeaux and Limoges

Vincent Carlier was born in 1981 in Beaune. He lives and works in Bordeaux and Limoges.
Vincent Carlier’s work is made up of gradual shifts from the banality of the world to the extraordinary, and vice versa. It is hallmarked by a liking for discrepancy, and finds its source in fields as diverse as the sciences, current affairs, and the history of the arts. In methodically breaking down the contexts and materials he comes upon, Vincent Carlier re-organizes connections between spaces, forms and time-frames with no apparent affinities. Behind each one of his works there is a story which reveals these relations and heightens our collective imagination.
Although his research very often takes shape in a sculptural register, he moves easily from one medium to the next, playing a rigorous game with the technical and semantic features of these different tools used for representing and producing forms. Vincent Carlier thus makes use of the transformative power of art to jostle the bases of our approach to the world in a subtle mixture of poetry, absurdity and strangeness.
Translated by Simon Pleasance, 2015

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.