
Stéphane Protic

Born in 1982

Lives and works in Marseilles

Stéphane Protic is interested in space and the possibility of appropriating it in order to transform it and make it the grounds of a new experience. His desire to “build” with as little restrictions as possible often leads him to work with black polythene film, which he spreads out over various sites. As air is blown into the film, volumes take shape; the fragile synthetic skins cling in places to the walls, floor and ceilings, creating a sort of minimalistic and living moulding of the space. These penetrable installations seem to constitute a low-intensity architectural structure, which echoes the stability of the building that contains it. Lately the artist has produced solid sculptures with plaster slabs and aluminium sheets, which, although not duplicates of the space around them, are nonetheless reinterpretations, or variations, of it. Through his use of stripped-down statements (such as “a staircase ascends continuously through all the floors of the exhibition space”), Stéphane Protic creates openings and reinterprets the atmosphere of an environment.

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.