
Stéphane Lecomte

Born in 1983

Lives and works in Toulon

Stéphane Lecomte is fond of blurring categories, imagery, and values... If he displays a consenting infidelity to the media he uses (drawing, painting, installation, writing, sculpture...) this is in order to assert the need to subordinate the medium to the idea (and not the other way round). Coming in the wake of a tradition of artists who do away with the boundaries between life and art, his work enjoys not having distinct outlines, preferring motion to immobility.
He is attached to popular culture, and duly refers to it and borrows its forms (cars, figurines, newspapers...). DIY, collecting, farce and the burlesque, the mechanisms of art, these are just some of his areas of visual/plastic research. His works are determinedly anti-spectacular, contrasting an attitude of resistance with models of cultural consumption, and they play with discretion and wit. They gradually construct what the artist calls an "Ideal Terrain".

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.