
Stefan Eichhorn

Born in 1980

Lives and works in Marseilles

The history of counter-cultures and technological evolution have crossed paths constantly throughout the last sixty years, sometimes overlapping and developing a shared taste for building a new world. This is the premise on which Stefan Eichhorn builds most of his work – on these utopias, which, from popular cultures to the most specialised fields of space engineering, invent new horizons. His interest in the way the hippie community appropriated architect Richard Buckminster Fuller’s model for a geodesic dome, and its utilisation in scientific experiments like “Biosphere 2”, led him to create a series of sculptures that could be interpreted as habitats for technophile communities. The fantasy world of science fiction, the field of space conquest, exploration and ecology, as well as popular and scientific culture all feed into Stefan Eichhorn’s work, in which these domains of research are combined with an economy of means based on recycling and cheap materials. Could it be, therefore, that Stefan Eichhorn’s utopian new worlds are in fact just an illusion?

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.