Sophie Menuet
Born in 1965
Lives and works in La Seyne sur Mer
Sophie Menuet proposes to our eyes a work that invites us to different "trips"; her pieces seem to be suspended in a timelessness which questions our generic memory as well as our selective memory. They remind us of a preoccupation about art history, of a connection to a strong pictoriality without using any paint, of a perception of the present, of a presence/absence of the femininity in our world. She speaks to us of the body and its "dressing", of carapaces with their form memory, of protection. Her materials and creation stands are multifarious, she subjugates them to what she wants to tell us. The materials employed often carry stories, memories, and she uses them with a working precision, an abundance of details which guides us in a fractal universe, from detail to totality, and vice versa. She practises sculpture, drawing, video, photography as well; all these media create a cosmogony and reflect her interrogation about the place of the "man", body and individual, in the world that surrounds us. (Raoul Hebreard - traduction : Serge Baudot, Ecrivain, traducteur, journaliste à Jazz-Hot)