
Pierre-Laurent Cassière

Born in 1982

Lives and works in Draguignan and Marseille

If, without too much risk, we can consider the raw material of Pierre-Laurent Cassière's oeuvre as made up of sound, it must hastily be pointed out that this sound is seen as a factor which triggers a dynamic relation between the body (of the artist, or viewer) and space. In developing specific acoustic arrangements, often associated with a place (Tectophonie,Mag-Net, Voyage dans le temps...), he is also interested in listening positions and hearing methods (Vent tendu, Schizophone.)
Perception is called for as far as it can be taken, and often his works call for special attention. At times, on the other hand, they turn into a violent response to the acoustic aggression of daily life and thus become actions involving "acoustic vandalism" in the urban environment (NoiZystem).
Well removed from technological fascination, Pierre-Laurent Cassière's work juggles with innocuous elements. His visual research thus leads him to work with dust (Chant de poussière) and found objects (Harpe de fortune/Makeshift Harp, Mimnemesis). Mixing a precise knowledge of acoustic phenomena with an open-ended exercise of art (installation, video, performance, instrument, photo, drawing...), Pierre-Laurent Cassière develops an acoustic language which determinedly invites everyone to the experience of listening. Translated by Simon Pleasance

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.