Perrine Lacroix
Born in 1967
Lives and works in Lyon

For over two decades, Perrine Lacroix has developed a multi-faceted body of work, using installation, video and photography as cornerstones of her visual language. Her interest in architecture and construction has led her to explore the relations between outdoor and indoor, complete and incomplete, empty and full. From life-size models to interactive installations, she blurs the traditional codes through which we view architecture and takes a special interest in the heterotopias conceptualised by the philosopher Michel Foucault.
The artist creates her site-specific works on the occasion of residencies in France and abroad (Australia, Austria, Tasmania, Algeria, Romania, Morocco, etc.), during which she attaches specific importance to the context and memory of the locations at hand. She draws inspiration from the stories and images that make them up and immerses herself in the people and scenery that constitute them.
Paying close attention to the relations between the work and the space around it, both in her artistic and curatorial work, P. Lacroix explores the imprint and resonance art leaves on our personal and collective memories, as well as the way in which they permeate our conscience in relation to our culture, but also in relation to exhibition spaces and methods.
© Adagp, Paris