Nicolas Pilard
Born in 1974
Lives and works in Marseilles

For a long time Nicolas Pilard has been involved with an art praxis almost exclusively linked to painting (let us say to the two-dimensional) before getting to grips with sculpture, with an interest in the nature of materials, and the way they talk to each other. It must be said that his painting made up of dismantled architectures and all manner of elements mixed together, arranged in an uncontrolled movement, also gives pride of place to the quality peculiar to objects. Suppleness responds to undulation, rigidity to the "vegetal", and everything seems to revolve to construct a split-second, a living composition heightened by strong colours. The sculptural praxis which he is developing today is part and parcel of a continuity, it gives volume to the question of precarious assemblage. In the artist's own words: "At this particular moment I am questioning pebbles, bits of wood, tiles, breezeblocks, shards of flower pots, pieces of plaster cobbles...After painting the idea of the unauthorized rubbish dump, and jumble, I go there to really collect things."