
Marion Balac

Born in 1984

Lives and works in Marseilles & Barcelona

Marion Balac's work explores the impulses and interactions between feelings and technology, approaching them through a variety of media as a means to investigate the struggles and bonds between individual and mass behaviours. A globalized online tourist, she travels dynamic playgrounds and encounters fictionalized personas and places, new landscapes that she can study and explore within and outside the screen. Gathering structures such as touristic sites, theme parks, internet forums, user-generated content websites interest her as they intend to duplicate traditional community interactions. From then, a gap - between a copy and its original, between what is perceived online from people or places and their actual qualities - becomes the starting point of her investigation and the core of her works, where behind a deadpan humour often rises melancholy.

Her work has been included in exhibitions and screenings at: Thaddaeus Ropac gallery (Paris Pantin) for Jeune Création, Fabra i Coats - Centre d'Art Contemporani (Barcelona), le Confort Moderne (Poitiers), le Bel Ordinaire (Pau), LOOP Barcelona, Cankarjev Dom (Ljubljana), Annka Kultys Gallery (London), Galerie Manqué (New York), Cité Internationale des Arts (Paris), Enclave Projects (London), Paradise Works (Manchester), Bandits-Mages (Bourges), Espace des Blancs-Manteaux (Paris), l’Abbaye (Annecy-le-Vieux), Galerie Neuf (Nancy), Hectoliter Gallery (Brussels), Musée Saint-Raymond (Toulouse)... She has had the opportunity to develop her work in residencies like Espositivo and Casa de Velázquez in Madrid, Salón Bellefour in Buenos Aires or Hangar in Barcelona.

"Marion Balac uses unusual data, situations or objects as a base to produce fictions that reveal the landscapes and horizons of a globalised world. Her artworks, tender and dark at the same time, show how stories generated by the connected and ultra-contemporary culture fall within physical or online sites."
Caroline Delieutraz and Stephanie Vidal, Making Contact.

(fr) "Marion Balac transforme des étonnements provoqués par des données, des situations ou des objets en dispositifs fictionnels qui révèlent les paysages et horizons d'un monde globalisé. Ses pièces, à la fois tendres et grinçantes, montrent comment des récits issus de la culture ultra-contemporaine et connectée s'inscrivent dans des lieux physiques ou en ligne. "
Caroline Delieutraz et Stephanie Vidal pour l'exposition Making Contact.