
Marie Thébault

Born in 1981

Lives and works in Marseilles

Marie Thébault experiments with drawing or painting, and more recently volumes. Her work composes with a series of elements that shape a supernatural world filled with animals (owl, wolf, hare, donkey…) and wide-eyed imaginary beings, which seem surprised to be there. These good-hearted, round, and comforting creatures of the night fend off the spiders and birds of prey, and seem to watch over our dreams and quiet our fears. But behind the veil of fantasy, Marie Thébault’s work is fraught with death, implicitly perceptible behind faceless portraits that can only be seen in the dark. Her work borrows from Romanticism and faces the spectator with a world in which the forces of the night are present but tamed.

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.