
Ludovic Boulard Le Fur

Born in 1981

Lives and works in La Tranche-sur-Mer (Vendée)

“I explore inner worlds by drawing human and animal faces and silhouettes on a daily basis. Each line reveals the depths of human emotions, from sorrow to joy, from trauma to love. I create dialogues between past and present by exploring a universe in which the conscious and the unconscious intertwine, and in which the infinitely small stands alongside the infinitely large. Each work becomes a manifestation of this intimate exploration, of its inner journey, revealing an infinite source of apparitions and meanings. My work is an invitation to travel through the meanderings of the soul, to discover oneself and the unexpected universes that live within each of us.”

Translated by Lucy Pons, 2024

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.