Karine Rougier
Born in 1982
Lives and works in Marseilles

Karine Rougier's drawings, which float on the white surface of the paper, house a curious, disconcerting, sexual and at times macabre population. Evanescent, and lost in the immensity of an A4 sheet of paper or a surface measuring 120 x 115 cm (in particular), the characters discreetly pursue their angst-provoking and liberated activities. The black line draws each hair, each coat, and each detail with a precision which probably has to do with a certain kind of obsession. So everything contributes to laying the foundations of a precious and knowing oeuvre, in which the most blurred of dreams takes shape with a tremendous clarity. Everything passes through Karine Rougier's world, medical imagery, shamanism, Indian gods, Bat Man and Hieronymous Bosch... the sources become entangled with no distinction other than their role in the narrative composition of the drawing.
But these creatures seem to be drowning, the artist leaves them in the depths of the image, she keeps them at a distance for fear that they might crop up in reality with too much confidence. The use of the flat tint motif is also part of this precaution, it reminds these figures from the other world of their condition as artefacts. So Karine Rougier contains them in the Pandora's box represented by her hectic work.