
Julien Bouillon

Born in 1971

Lives and works in Paris and Nice

Julien Bouillon has a knack of reconciling opposites: at once a "semionaut", to borrow a word coined by Nicolas Bourriaud in Postproduction, surfing in a sea of signs and symbols, reconfiguring their structure by means of almost OuLiPo-like or neo-conceptualist combinations (like when he extracts sentences from Jacques Lacan's Lettre à Louis Althusser (1963) and transfers them onto the gallery walls in adhesive letters in a group show, interacting with the works present), he can casually become a craftsman and make use of forms of time-honoured know-how, such as painting, ceramics, and sculpture on bones. By painting on canvas, in a hyperrealist manner, the postcard of an abstract painting, or a collection of old coins, or by questioning the grid system which governs Web design, Julien Bouillon comes across like an artist-cum-anthropologist who takes into consideration all the periods and all the aspects of our constructed space. (Yann Ricordel, 2011). Translated by Simon Pleasance

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.