
Jonas Delhaye

Born in 1988

Lives and works in

To me, artistic work is a commitment, a place where narrative possibilities and dialogues with the landscape are crafted. My approach most often stems from the immersion of my body in space, from the experience of time, and illustrates the highlighting of a presence within the world through the specific modalities in which image and language appear. In natural or urban contexts made of alterities and occurrences, it sometimes comes to one’s attention that the fragments chaotically collected during research aggregate into the tangible objects of a shareable narrative. However, in order to see a phenomenon manifest, one often needs to craft a tool. The work and the image can then be shaped into a hybrid form at the intersection of sculpture, performance and recording in its broadest sense. Within the space they are exhibited in, they become the manifestation of this praxis, of the interdependence between the location, the apparatus, the process and the imprint – a tangible trace born from an encounter with the landscape.

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.

© Adagp, Paris