Frédérique Lagny
Born in 1965
Lives and works in Marseilles

Frédérique Lagny's projects are usually put together over several years. Her films and her photographs are the result of a long-term commitment which enables her to immerse herself in a territory. So the oeuvre which she has been developing since 2006, with its central focus in West Africa, and more specifically in Burkina Faso, represents a space in which word and/or image describe a jostled humanity. The women, men and children she rubs shoulders with establish the means of their survival. The portraits which Frédérique Lagny makes, whether brought to life in videos or presented in images, deal without any indulgence with the condition of the most destitute people. They stand out because of the quality of the gaze which accompanies them, a gaze formed by painting as much as by documentary film, or contemporary dance, proof, if need there were, that in this work there is much more than mere testimony.