
Franck Lesbros

Born in 1974

Lives and works in Marseilles and New-York

Franck Lesbros's artistic output consists essentially of video, yet in some respects it might be said that it is akin to a hybrid form somewhere between installation and sculpture. His films take as their décor ingenious models which, like puppets, are activated during shoots. They are the leading characters of a disturbing "atmospheric" plot underwritten by precise editing. Volumes are brought to life gradually as the narrative unfolds, spare special effect follows spare special effect, forming a poetic world whose vocabulary borrows straight from the language of film. When Franck Lesbros talks about his work, he reconciles Ed Wood with Samuel Beckett, referring to his shoots like at once written and empirical adventures ,during which almost anything can happen, and this inevitably lends his videos the freshness of experimentation.

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.