
Élodie Moirenc

Born in 1969

Lives and works in Marseilles

After studying at the Avignon Art School, Aix Marseille University and Paris 8 University, the work of Elodie Moirenc as an artist is developing essentially in relation to space, through drawing, installation and set design. Set designing enables her to play with the place of the spectator, production procedures, the ephemeral, and the link between the domestic dimension and the spectacular dimension.
In tandem with her exhibitions, she is regularly involved with projects to do with dance and theatre. For more than 10 years she was responsible for the set design unit at the Performing Arts/Theatre Department at Aix Marseille University.
She also likes being involved with particular organizations (schools, colleges...), accompanying different kinds of public in shared creative projects. She recently ran projects piloted by the FRAC PACA/CAUE 13, the Vincent Van Gogh Arles Foundation, and the Voyons Voir Association.

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.