
Didier Demozay

Born in 1950

Lives and works in Draguignan

For almost thirty years, Didier Demozay has developed a work in which the visual vocabulary is stripped back to its bare essentials. His paintings involve masses of colour that play on balance, harmony, and vibrations, organise the blank space of the canvas, and structure more or less solid compositions. In addition to the white of the background, Didier Demozay’s paintings never contain more than three colours, and therefore depend on the subtlety of their arrangement.
Although limited to geometrical shapes, the coloured blocks are no less full of life, and the drippings sometimes seem to slide out of the field of the painting. The movement of the paintbrush is also visible, either dry or barely perceptible. Sometimes deep black partially covers a shade of yellow or blue… A multitude of events collide and resonate, marking the singularity of each of these deeply present paintings. Didier Demozay’s painting is complex and rigorous, yet appears to the eye as an elementary, naked form, like the experience of a shifting pictorial language.

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.