Delphine Wibaux
Born in 1991
Lives and works in Marseilles

Delphine Wibaux focuses her attention on infinitesimal forms, on situations and configurations that contain subtle poetry. Her artistic work underlines elements of reality and shifts our points of view. Through the use of simple gestures, the artist extracts elements in order to highlight them and bring them to our attention. Her works are shaped in relation to their immediate environment. They are recordings, whether terrestrial, subterranean or celestial – readings of the world. Through installation, images, sculpture, as well as sound and writing, the artist seeks to produce a sensible reading of various contexts and sceneries. Whether she is placing landscape pictures on limestone or sandstone rocks, documenting the ebb and flow of waves and tides using a suspended weight, or producing images directly onto contact paper exposed to altitude sunlight, Delphine Wibaux intends to use any and all possible means to convey the strengths and weaknesses of the environment and of the living world.
© Adagp, Paris