
Clementine Carsberg

Born in 1981

Lives and works in Marseilles

Wallpaper is the main material Clémentine Carsberg uses in her work. However, she mainly does so by folding, rather than applying it. The papers she uses allow her to alter space and, in doing so, to question reality. There is something akin to the domestic, to the familiar in wallpaper; something that evokes memories and moderates the neutrality of a room, sometimes infusing it with the faintly unsavoury warmth of a timeless interior. All of Clémentine Carsberg's work is balanced at a tipping point; whether added or subtracted – particularly to architectural elements –, her trompe l'oeil remodel and invent a new approach to their surroundings. The artist is interested in structuring the volumes of the spaces she works in, but also in creating her own architectures. Her cardboard constructions are fragile artefacts that seem to provide support (with colonnades) or rise up (piles of archive boxes). Her immersive work develops at the crossroads between solidity and fragility, real and fake, past and present, private and public.

Biographical notes translated with the support of the Centre national des arts plastiques - Cnap.