Chourouk Hriech
Born in 1977
Lives and works in Marseilles

Chourouk Hriech's drawings seem caught by an endless movement. Made up of elements of architectures, landscapes, motifs and imaginary forms, they come across in their many different forms like areas of experimentation inviting the eye to drift and go astray. Her black and white drawings are distillations of worlds within which reality links up with fiction. Based on a physical experience of space, they nevertheless manage to free themselves from the laws which govern the organization of the landscape, and offer a field of possibilities to be explored.
The artist works by way of synthesis through a perceptible relation to nearby environments; she captures and reorganizes, invents her forms and condenses time. The urban territories which she turns inside out thus become hybrid places permeated by poetry as much as by science-fiction. In reinventing a geography of cities, the artist invites us on a journey inside upturned and a-chronic worlds.